Thursday, August 28, 2008

Camp Survival 2008 Preparing for the River Road Run

In May, I survived very well, MS Camp for my second year.  My first year volunteering, I was apprehensive about MS Camp because I didn’t know what to expect. The second year my apprehension grew because I knew exactly what to expect. However, the 2nd year I quickly was reconnect with my family I realized I had missed all year.  It has become a special experience for me to strengthen the bond with friends and meet new people.  Being a part of providing such a positive experience for so many people has more rewards than I imagined.  I have seen first hand how far your dollars have gone to help these individuals.

Stopping my life for a week and getting to know people I likely would not have meet in my daily life is also very rewarding.  It makes me know more about why I am who I am, who I want to be and most importantly why you and all of my friends are such an important part of my life.

I know it is difficult to understand with words how powerful of an experience MS Camp can be. I see people living with this crazy disease which has devastating effects in how they live. I also see amazing examples of the human spirit in such a different way than I could have imagined. It is amazing to be a part of helping people with MS live their lives. And doing it well.

Thank you for supporting me in helping others and to be the change I want to become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this camp sonds fun,But is
it for girls because we are trying to find a camp that is fun and explorer the outsideworld.