Friday, July 20, 2007

MS Camp MyMS blog

Welcome fundraising friends to myMS blog. I have several loosely connected articles about my MS experience, MS Camp, and some musings on health care in America. Since I have directed so many of you here to have a look at this site, I thought I would connect the dots. You will find as you scroll down, some of the articles I have written. And for those who know me, seeing the loose connections, random sometimes senseless disconnect articles and thoughts, you are merely saying, yes, this is the Doug Lyon we have come to know.

Many people with MS lose the ability to walk, eat, or care for themselves in other ways. Some of you may simply just think or say to yourselves that my behavior is typical of someone with MS. However, 1) given my disclosure about how little the disease is affecting me...(just about 5% of my vision in the left eye, optic neuritus) and 2) those knowing me for over 5 years (or 5 minutes) know that it is not the MS causing the behavior. It is just Doug. So welcome to my blog. Scroll down for a look at the smattering of my thoughts on camp, MS, managed health care, and feel free to comment. Please participate in my survey as well.

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